The Right Said Fred Show

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Friday 8:00 pm 10:00 pm

The Right Said Fred Show airs on (get out those sparkly notepads) every 1st and 3rd Friday at 8 – 10pm and is subsequently repeated every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 4-6pm. The show is split into two hours with the events being at each half hour, the first being “Trevor’s Titillating Treasures” – a recording sent in by our resident guest Trevor Crinkleback and whatever he has to tell the audience that week. The second is “Mystery Time” which is a collection of themed information rounded up and served to the audience with the curiosity that killed the cat! (I assure you that Mystery Time probably won’t kill you)

And so, hosted by me and my good friend – The Jinglyman, you can expect a wide variety of retro or retro-inspired tunes and a few Jingles thrown in for good measure.

If you have a message for me or my gremlin – or you would like to know music used for a jingle, a message for me to read out during the programme or anything in between, feel free to ask away at or ring my bell on Facebook!

Would you like to listen again or maybe missed some of the show? Never fear! My Mixcloud is here:

The Right Said Fred Show crew

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10Radio is a community radio station serving the 10 parishes in West Somerset which incorporate Wiveliscombe, Ashbrittle, Bathealton, Brompton Ralph, Chipstable, Clatworthy, Fitzhead, Huish Champflower, Milverton, Stawley and Wellington and the surrounding area.

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