Doug's Big Country Doug & Marjory Parish Present
Marjory and I present Doug’s Big Country on Somerset’s 10 Radio,105.3fm www.10radio.org and have been since February 2008. The show is broadcast every Wednesday afternoon between 2 pm and 4 pm and repeated every Friday at 2.00 am, Sunday afternoon between 4 pm and 6 pm. and Monday at 11.00 a.m.
The music we both feature is as diverse and interesting as we can make it with a wide range of country music from traditional to new country, to bluegrass, to Americana, Cajun, Tex-Mex, country rock and alternative country. We also like to feature local artists and studio guests with live acoustic sets from local musicians. We go to a lot of live music and like to reflect that in the music we play. I select the tracks blending each with the next as seamlessly as possible while Marjory selects an album of the week giving us a more in-depth look at the featured artist and also gives out local and national gigs.
You can contact the show by emailing me at doug@10radio.org or check the show out on FaceBook or Twitter @Doug Parish1